Wednesday, March 4, 2009

GregLou & Marlo(More Slanguage Tips)

Ok, I got for you today, some brand new language tips. These new words originated right here. So be prepared to be the first person on your block to use them, and blow people minds with your cleverness and cutting edge slanguage.

The first new one for you....Is "GregLou." "Greglou" is a sneaky and clever way of referring to someone or something as Gay. "GregLou" is a P-diddy esque nick name for "Greg Louganis" the famous Olympic diver. the reasons why Greg Louganis is a good name to call that which is gay, are pretty obvious if you think about it.

1.) Greg "Louganis" is pronounced Greg "Lou-Gay-ness"
So it works real well, you are calling someone or something "Greglou" in reference to their "Gayness."

2.)To make it even better and more appropriate, Greg Louganis is Gay.(Literally)

This phrase is really sneaky and fun, because no one is hip to it right now so you can use it in a public setting and not worry too much about offending anyone.

ex. You and your friends are in a bar and you see a really metro guy with eyeliner and a cool shirt with skulls. You can look right at him and say "What's up Greglou." He probably won't even think you're talking to him, and if he does, you can just say "My Bad, I thought you were Greglou."

Meanwhile you and your friends are laughing at the fact that you just called this man a homosexual right to his face.

Last Saturday, I imparted this little piece of knowledge about "Greglou" on DJ Scooter(of Scooter and Lavelle fame), and he was very pleased with it. But, he then went even one step further to conceal the meaning and suggested that we can also refer to something as being "Mario Lopez." because:

1.) Mario Lopez played Greg Louganis in some made for TV movie.

2.)Mario Lopez is gay(not literally).

I like this idea, but I prefer my quips and insults to be shorter, so I merely combined the two first syllables together to make "MarLo."

So there you have it, not one but two different equally hilarious and sneaky ways to refer to someone or something as being gay.

Greglou and MarLo

*I would like it to be known that I have no problem or issue with homosexuals. And I voted NO on Prop 8. I just find it funny to call things gay in the same way I did when I was in the 5th grade.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Don't Be A Bobby!!!

My Friends over at the Free Betting Site
Commissioned Director and friend of mine Jason C.H. Burton to direct a commercial for their free sports betting site. As soon as I heard I asked if I could have a part. To which he replied yes.

They have this term on the site known as a "Bobby." A bobby is a fucking dud...someone who always loses whenever he gambles. I decided I would like to play a Bobby, or even more accurately Thee "Bobby." Here's the commercial.

don't be a bobby. from jason burton on Vimeo.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"NO Homo", "No CreepBall" & "No CreepMo"

I have these expressions that I like to use and I want you folks reading this blog to be hip to them. As we all know the phrase "No Homo". Has become pretty popular and common place. I think this is a great expression which is hilarious.

I have been using the term "No Homo" for quite some time. Although when I first began using it, I would explain it to people like this. "You can say anything as gay as you want, as long as you say "No Homo" After." ex. Man Says to another man. "Your ass looks great in those pants, and I want to squeeze it......No Homo."

Some may disagree with my sentiments and use of "No Homo", but much like the rules of beerpong, there is no unified set for all to follow.

One of the people who first found my use of this phrase fascinating, was my friend Vic who Runs the MoMo Lounge in Sacramento. He found my free wheeling use of "No Homo" to be hilarious.

When I returned to play in his joint on my next trip, he informed me of his own new heterosexual version of "No Homo" which he and his buddies had been field testing.

Which brings us to "No Creepball." Much like "No Homo", "No Creepball" follows any sentence or statement a heterosexual male makes toward a female which could be construed as creepy or offensive. Ex. A man says to a women in an elevator "Excuse me miss, you have a very nice ass and boobs.....No Creepball."

Vic made sure to remind me that if she gets uncomfortable or offended you need only remind her..."I said "No Creepball."

I actually really like the use of this new term, Vic had even said that he had seen a few guys get some phone numbers from women who they had used "No Creepball" On. I would tread very lightly with it.

He even went one step further and also combined both terms to make "No CreepMo" I suppose this term would apply mostly to really aggressive Homosexuals, It basically means that one man can say something overtly gay and creepy as long as he follows the statement with the phrase "No CreepMo." Ex. A Man Says to another man on a bus "I'd like to bone you on this bus with all the passengers watching......No CreepMo."

The jury is still out on "No CreepMo", but nevertheless I feel it is my duty to inform all about these terms. Stay tuned for more phrases soon.

Soul Men The Movie>>Decent Movie, Dope Music

I just rented and watched the movie "Soul Men" last night. I thought overall it was a pretty good movie. It had a decent story line, and really good acting by both Sam Jackson&Bernie Mac. What I was feeling most, was the musical styling of Samuel L. Jackson. Particularly on the track "Do your thing."(originally performed by Isaac Hays) Not only was this song Fucking smooth as a baby's ass(No Creepball). But the tone and sound of Sam's Voice is fantastic. So I would say if you like soul r&b type music peep the movie, or at least download the soundtrack.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

This Is DJ As-Is Blog I got things to say!!!

Some of them will be really neat. So Pay attention!!!